Hibernating is wonderful. I have photos to prove it. I have spent the last six glorious days in my house with nothing but my boys, Lola, warm socks, and lots of good food.
Our courtyard looks magical...

My baking partner who dressed himself and is my biggest helper in the kitchen. I can't believe how much baking we did...brownies, cookies, chocolate cake, granola, banana bread, and other stuff too.
We stayed very busy gathering snow for our homemade snow ice cream. Yes, just add sugar, milk, vanilla and of course snow.
We discovered that while the seagulls can walk around and sort of huddle on the icy lake all day long...the ducks, not so much. They were a little disoriented.
Little one loves to throw snow balls. He also apologizes after each one.
This sweet bird visited us at our breakfast table. I think he lives with his family in the bird house around the corner. Could he be any fatter or cuter?
Add one iced in front door, and a dance party with my two super heroes...you get me...a deliriously happy girl.
Iced all the way in...what to do? Build a fort, put on my monkey suit, and put on a talent show for my proud parents.
Yes, hibernating is simply wonderful.

So is Silly Cow hot cocoa by the way....
Here we are....six days later...the snow and ice is gone, but....this six days will never be forgotten. xoxoxo